CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)

This course provides you with a nationally recognised qualification to work as a personal care assistant.

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CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)

    12 month course

    Guaranteed placement

    No course fees

Course Overview

Course code CHC33021

Complete your certificate in individual support at one of our 12 aged care homes across Victoria.

Dive into a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the aged care industry.

Learning Methods
E-LearningSimulationWork Placement

You'll master essential skills such as:
  • Delivering individualised, person-centred support
  • Ensuring the upkeep of personal care and daily living activities
  • Specialising in dementia care strategies
  • Collaborating effectively with diverse individuals and cultures
  • Implementing thorough, safe work practices and infection control measures
TLC Learning

Pathways To Further Studies

This qualification also provides a pathway for progression in:

  • Certificate IV in Ageing support
  • Diploma of Nursing
  • Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
  • Certificate IV in Health Administration

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Course Structure

  • A 12-month course
  • 120 hours of practical placement at TLC Aged Care
  • 10 to 20 hours per week of self-directed study
  • In-person and online training sessions
Practical Sessions

At TLC Aged Care homes , practical sessions serve for both training and assessment, offering hands-on experience with cutting-edge equipment and resources. Gain first-hand practice in providing daily support to aged care residents.

Work Placement

Work placement is a vital and compulsory component of our course, offering you the chance to apply classroom learning in real-life settings. With a minimum of 120 hours, including residential and lifestyle care, supervised by experienced staff, you’ll develop practical skills. 

TLC Learning ensures placement in our Aged Care homes for all students, with liability and WHS insurance coverage provided.


Before commencing your work placement, you must provide:

  • A satisfactory National Police Check (NPC) and where you have resided in another country from the age of 16, as a permanent resident or citizen, you will be required to provide a Statutory Declaration
  • Evidence of immunisation as per government guidelines


Successful completion of the below fifteen (15) units of competency is required to be awarded CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing).

Course Units
  1. CHCCCS031 – Provide individualised support
  2. CHCCCS038 – Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support
  3. CHCCCS040 – Support independence and wellbeing
  4. CHCCCS041 – Recognise healthy body systems
  5. CHCCOM005 – Communicate and work in health or community services
  6. CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people
  7. CHCLEG001 – Work legally and ethically
  8. HLTINF006 – Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
  9. HLTWHS002 – Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Elective Units
  1. CHCAGE013 – Work effectively in aged care
  2. CHCAGE011 – Provide support to people living with dementia
  3. CHCPAL003 – Deliver care services using a palliative approach
  4. HLTHPS006 – Assist client with medication
  5. CHCCCS043 – Support positive mealtime experiences
  6. HLTOHC007 – Recognise and respond to oral health issues


To demonstrate competency, you’ll complete various assessment tasks for each enrolled unit, integrating knowledge with practical application. Satisfactory results in each task are essential for unit competency. 

Assessments include observations, case studies, projects, and more, covering theory and practice. Our course focus is on practical skills, which are assessed in the classroom, while working on the job, and in online settings. Practical assessments will take place in our TLC Aged Care training centres and simulation environment.

Course Requirements

  • No academic prerequisites required 
  • Students must be at least 18 years old when the course starts
  • Completion of our pre-course testing for language, literacy, and numeracy is mandatory
  • Students must provide their Unique Student Identifier (USI) number
  • Basic IT literacy is mandatory, including access to a personal computer
  • Compliance with uniform requirements is mandatory
  • Students must have the physical capacity for hands-on program task
  • The training course is offered free of charge
Pre-course Testing

You are expected to possess foundation skills at the Australian Core Skills Framework level 3, as assessed during our pre-course testing. The Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is a tool that assists both specialist and non-specialist English language, literacy and numeracy practitioners in describing an individual’s performance in the five core skills of learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy. You can find out more about the framework online here

Completion of the Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) assessment is mandatory to determine your current level and eligibility for enrollment. If you fall below the required ACSF level, you may receive additional LLN support through the TLC Learning program or a third-party provider to enhance your literacy and numeracy skills to meet the necessary level.

Unique Student Identifier Number

Upon registration for the course, you must provide evidence of enrolment and appropriate identification. You are also required to obtain a Unique Student Identification (USI) number, which can be used for all studies in Australia. Applying for a USI is mandatory and can be done online here

TLC Learning may offer assistance with obtaining your USI.

IT Literacy

This qualification requires a foundational comprehension of computer usage and internet navigation. You will receive support to enhance your skills as needed. Access to a dependable internet connection and personal computer off-site is essential, and you are expected to bring your own device to class.

General appearance:

During your placement and practical sessions, it is important to maintain a professional appearance at all times by following the requirements below. Failure to adhere to the dress code below may result in TLC Learning restricting your attendance to practical sessions or placements.

  • Always wear your proof of identity badge (Student ID Card)
  • Keep your hair tidy and clean, by tying it back at the back of your head with plain ties or clips
  • Ensure your fingernails are short and clean; avoid nail polish and acrylic nails during clinical placements
  • Wear simple, non-hazardous jewellery such as a wedding ring or studs
  • Limit body jewellery (piercings) to the ears unless they are covered by clothing or meet workplace safety standards
All students must wear:
  • A TLC Learning branded polo shirt, purchased at your own expense 
  • Dark-coloured clothing in black, navy, or charcoal
    • Knee and full-length trousers, skirts, or culottes 
  • Plain cardigan, jumper, or vest
  • Stockings or socks
  • Clothing that allows safe and comfortable movement for all nursing care tasks
Footwear Guidelines:
  • Shoes can be black, navy, or charcoal with an enclosed design
  • Heel shoes should be flat with a maximum height of 4 cm and a broad base
  • We recommend footwear with arch and instep support, as well as non-slip soles

The following footwear is not allowed: sandals, ballet flats, trainers, thongs, ugg boots, or sandshoes.

Physical Requirements

You must meet workplace standards for physical fitness to successfully complete course objectives.

Skills and abilities needed include:
  • Strength for lifting and transferring clients
  • Mobility for bending, stooping, moving rapidly, and navigating small spaces
  • Hearing to discern sounds, alarms, and emergency signals
  • Vision for assessing clients and equipment
  • Communication skills for interacting verbally and in writing

Concerns about meeting these requirements or medication-related issues should be discussed during the pre-course review.

Failure to address concerns may result in withdrawal from the course.

Some competency assessments must occur in real workplace settings, while others may be simulated. Simulated assessments must replicate real-life conditions and interactions.

Specialised Studies

Specialised studies are for students aiming to become leaders in their fields, focusing on specific areas of interest. These studies have additional entry requirements and approximately 40 hours of additional training during the course completion. 

Medical and Health Specialisation

This specialisation area emphasises the importance of mental and physical health by:

  • Providing training in first aid, basic wound care, and skin care
  • Addressing mental health concerns
  • Offering support for conditions such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, and arthritis
  • Managing urinary incontinence
  • Raising awareness about cardiovascular diseases
  • Implementing infection prevention and control measures
Memory Support Specialisation

This specialisation area focuses on meeting the unique needs of individuals living with dementia through:

  • Staff training to aid residents with dementia
  • Delivering high-quality, personalised assistance
  • Promoting effective communication with residents and families
  • Problem-solving for unmet needs
  • Recognising the significance of nutrition and hydration
  • Arranging meaningful well-being activities
Entry Requirements

Students in the specialised studies group are expected to become leaders in their chosen specialisation, so they must meet additional requirements to join the program.

  • Demonstrated interest in working with our ageing groups in the specialised area
  • Students must be at least 21 years old when the course starts
  • Interview with the Learning Manager to assess suitability
  • Ambitious attitude with a desire to advance within TLC Healthcare


TLC Learning trainees employed by TLC Aged Care undergo their training courses at no cost. Training qualifications are offered exclusively to TLC Aged Care employees through traineeships. These qualifications do not extend to external students or organisations.

TLC Learning will not issue a statement of attainment or qualification unless all the course requirements, assessments, and placements have been successfully completed.

Sound like the course for you?

Get started with your application today.