
Our leading curriculum combines innovative approaches drawn from academic early childhood research and an intergenerational program created in partnership with Melbourne University and Griffith University.

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About TLC Early Learning's Curriculum

TLC Early Learning’s curriculum has been crafted from national and international development research that places children within the context of their families and communities. These approaches reflect an understanding that children’s development does not follow a linear ‘ages and stages’ pathway, but is deeply intertwined with their social and cultural experiences.

The most prominent influences on our curriculum are:

  • Early Years Learning Framework (Australia): Belonging, Being and Becoming
    Interactions include adult-led learning, child-directed play and learning, and guided play and learning.
  • Reggio Emilia (Italy): an approach to curriculum that recognises the social nature of learning and positions children as capable and powerful learners. It provides a democratic context where children are able to participate in decision-making about their educational experiences.
  • Emergent curriculum: this approach suggests that children learn best when the curriculum is connected to their everyday lives and interests. Therefore, pedagogies must respond to different children in different contexts.
  • Te Whãriki (New Zealand): this curriculum emphasises the cultural nature of development and aims to value diverse cultural experiences, beliefs and expectations with respect to children’s development.

TLC Early Learning’s integrated, inclusive, and holistic approach to education and learning fosters connectedness and engagement with the different communities in which children live, work, and play, from home to the broader world.

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Our Handbook

TLC Early Learning Mordialloc’s handbook contains detailed information about what we do, our philosophy and values, curriculum, literacy and numeracy experiences, and more.

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Schedule a tour today to experience TLC Early Learning Mordialloc firsthand and learn more about our leading curriculum.